Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009

Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009

cara menilai pasangan dari bibirnya

Kenali pasangan sobat melalui Bentuk Bibirnya..Loh Kok bisa dari Bentuk Bibir??Boleh percaya atau tidak tapi berikut penjabrannya :

Bibir tipis, menggambarkan bahwa doi adalah tipe orang yang pandai menyimpan rahasia. Seperti bibir Kate Hudson
. http://students.cup.edu/smi3115/Kate_Hudson-eric-lindros.jpg

Bibir penuh, menggambarkan dia pandai membuat percakapan jadi terbuka lebar. Misalnya, bibir Anne Hathaway.
Bibir lebar, menggambarkan seseorang yang pandai mengatur keuangan, sabar, dan juga
pemberani. Jamie Lee Curtis dan Julia Roberts memiliki tipe bibir seperti ini.
Jamie Lee Curtis & http://www.indiantvtoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/duplicity02020093.jpg

Bibir kecil, menggambarkan Anda suka berterus terang dan lebih menyukai percakapan yang satu arah. Drew Barrymore adalah pemilik bibir kecil yang manis.

Bibir bawah penuh, menggambarkan seseorang yang senang menerima tantangan. Bibir bawah penuh juga sering diartikan sebagai seseorang yang sensual dan seduktif, seperti Adriana Lima dan Thalia.

24 Penyebab Kerusakan Komputer dan Cara Mengatasinya

Berikut Merupakan Rangkuman Masalah dan kendala Yang sering Pengguna Komputer Hadapi dan Bagaimana Cara Pencegahannya :
1. Komputer Tidak Mau Hidup
Cara Mengatasinya :
- Cek koneksi kabel (dari power outletnya ke tombol power pada PC)
- Cek apakah stabilizer berfungsi atau tdak (jika memakai stabilizer)
- Cek kabel power pada CPU
- Jika masih juga tidak mau hidup permasalahanya mungkin terletak pada power supply atau MB

2. Komputer Mau Hidup Tetapi Tidak Mau Booting
Cara Mengatasinya :
Kenali Terlebih dahulu Bunyi Beep :
Beep 1 kali saja Tanda bahwa kondisi komputer baik
Beep 1 kali, panjang Terdapat problem di memory
Beep 1 kali panjang dan 3 kali pendek Kerusakan di VGA card
Beep 1 kali panjang dan 2 kali pendek Kerusakan di DRAM parity
Beep terus menerus Kerusakan dimodul memory atau memory video
- Cek dengan menggunakan software dianosa seperti sisoft sandra, PC mark04, PC mark05 dll

3. Komputer Mau Booting Tetapi Selalu “Safe Mode “ (untuk masuk ke safe mode tekan F8)
Cara Mengatasinya :
- restart kembali komputer anda
- jika masih trouble intall ulang windows anda
- jika masih safe mode juga, berarti HD anda bermasalah
cek dengan : scan disk

4. Komputer Sering Hang

Cara Mengatasinya
- Disebabkan software mengalami crash
- tekan ctrl + alt + del >> klik End task pada program yang “Not Responding”
- tekan tombol restart pada CPU
- Disebabkan hardware mengalami konflik (adanya penambahan hardware baru)
- konflik antar hardware sering terjadi pada sistem operasi windows
- install ulang windows anda, tetapi yang perlu diingat sebelum reinstall windows anda, lepaskan dulu hardware baru anda
- alankan fasilitas “add new“ hardware yang terdapat pada control panel.

5. Keyboard Tidak Dikenali Oleh Komputer
Cara Mengatasinya
- cek apakah keyboard anda sudah terpasang dengan benar
- jika sudah tapi masih juga keyboard tidak terdeteksi maka kemungkinan keyboard anda bermasalah.
- coba ganti keyboard anda, jika sudah diganti tapi juga masih bermasalah maka kemungkinan besar yang rusak adalah di bagian port keyboard di MB anda.
- Jika memang Sudah di Ganti Keyboard Baru tapi tetap tidak terdeteksi Juga Coba Ganti dengan Keyboard USB dan apabila tidak terdeteksi Juga berarti ada yang salah Pada sitem Windows Sobat

6 Mouse Tidak Dikenali Oleh Komputer (sama denagn kasus keyboard)

7. Pointer Mouse Selalu Meloncat-Loncat
Cara Mengatasinya
- mouse kotor segera di Bersihkan (khususnya pada bola mouse)

8. Komputer Sering Crash
Cara Mengatasinya :
- cek semua posisi kabel, hardware, dan juga tegangan pada casing, cek suhu pada CPU dan jua cek ram, processor dan juga vga.

9. Bila Produsen MetherBoard(MB) Tidak Diketahui
Cara Mengatasinya :
- buka casing, dan cek CPU anda biasanya sebuah MB memiliki label produsen yang sekaligus berisi spesifikasi tipe Mbnya.
- Lihat pada manual book
- Cari data Mb lewat internet, cocokan ID yang tercetak pada sticker board denan daftar yang terdapat pada situs www.fcc.gov/oet/fccid, dan cari daftar nomor ID yang dikeluarkan oleh lembaga perijinan untuk perangkat elektonik di Amerika
- Gunakan software analisa, seperti sandra99 dll.

10. Lupa Password BIOS
Cara Mengatasinya :
- Cabut batterey cmos pada cpu
- Atau dengan cara emncoba menebak bberapa password default untuk beberapa produsen bios misalkan AMI dan AWARD (contoh : A.M.I, AMI, AMI_SW, ALLY, 589589 dll)

11. Jam dan setting tanggal BIOS Selalu Berubah-Rubah
Cara Mengatasinya :
- batteray cmos sudah tidak berfungsi (mati), ganti dengan batteray yang baru

12. Menambah Perangkat Hardware Baru, Tp Tidak Terdeteksi Oleh BIOS
Cara Mengatasinya :
- Kemungkinan besar bios anda sudah kuno sehingga tidak dapat mendeteksi hardware yang baru, maka segera update bios anda (bisa download melalui internet, mis : www.windrivers.com)

13. Melacak Kerusakan Card Pada MB
Cara Mengatasinya :
- cobalah denganmencabut dan menancapkan beberapa card pada MB anda
- jika booting berhasil maka card anda tidak bermasalah begitu jua sebaliknya

14. Pasang Processor Baru Tp Tidak Terdeteksi
Cara Mengatasinya :
- cek apakah anda sudah memasang processor denan benar
- cek apakah posisi jumper pada processor sudah benar (tentang jumper pada processor bisa anda priksa pada manual booknya)

15. Crash Setelah Memasang RAM Baru
Cara Mengatasinya :
- kemungkinan ram yang anda pasang tidak kompatibel dengan komputer anda (cabut ram tersebut)

16. Menambah RAM Tapi Tidak Terdeteksi
Cara Mengatasinya :
- Lakukan pengecekan seperti ketika kasus sebelumnya
- Pastikan slot yan dipakai sesuai, misalnya : SD RAM memiliki slot yang hampir sama dengan RD RAM tetapi RD RAM, tidak bisa terdeteksi meskipun bisa dipasang pada slot jenis SD RAM.

17. Setelah Menambah RAM Proses Komputer Manjadi Semakin Lambat
Cara Mengatasinya :
- perhatikan batas kapasitas ram anda, misalnya ram jenis EDO batas maksimalnya adalah 64 MB, maka ketika dipaksakan untuk ditambah maka komputer anda menjadi semakin lambat

18. Virtual Ram
Cara Mengatasinya :
- klik kanan icon My computer, pilih propertis, kemudian pilih tab performance dan klik VIRTUAL MEMORY
- pilih item let me specify my own virtual memory setting (pilih HD yang akan digunakan sebagai virtual memory)
- klok OK

19. Monitor Tidak Mau Nyala
Cara Mengatasinya :
- pastikan semua kabel power maupun konektor yang berhubungan dengan monitor ok
- pastikan juga pin yang ada pada port VGA masuk dengan sempuran tidak ada yang bengkok apalagi tidak masuk semua/salah satu pin ke port VGA
- pastikan juga VGA card anda ok

20. Monitor Menjadi Gelap Saat Loading Windows
Cara Mengatasinya :
- kemungkinan disebabkan karena setup driver untuk monitor tidak tepat(setting frekuensinya terlalu tinggi)
- masuk dulu ke dalam kondisi safe mode (tekan F8)
- install ulang driver VGAnya

21. Tampilan Tiba-Tiba Rusak Dan Komputer Manjadi Hang
Cara Mengatasinya :
- dikarenakan suhu (pada VA card) sangat panas

22. Ukuran Tampilan monitor Tidak Sesuai Keinginan
Cara Mengatasinya :
- masuk ke display propertis (klik kana semabrang tempat pilih propertis)
- Tekan tab setting dan dan atur ukuran tampilan sesuai dengan keinginan (pada screean area)

23. Monitor Seperti Berkedip Saat Digunakan
Cara Mengatasinya :
- masuk ke display propertis (klik kana semabrang tempat pilih propertis)
- Tekan tab setting dan klik advance, kemudian klik adapter, pada bagian ini ditampilkan refresh raet yang dininkan

24. Sound Card Baru Tidak Terdeteksi
Cara Mengatasinya :
- Crash dengan saounda card yang lama
- cek pada manual booknya, apakah soundcard on boardnya perlu dimatikan atau tidak jika hendak menginstall ulang soundcard yan baru (biasanya bisa dimatikan lewat jumper atau bios)

cegah virus masuk komputer

Cegah Virus Masuk Melalui Flashdisk

Mencegah Virus Masuk Komputer Melalui Flashdisk
Salah satu cara pencegahan agar komputer kita tidak terserang virus adalah dengan mencegah terjadinya eksekusi terhadap file virus. Salah satu caranya adalah melakukan pencegahan penularan virus melalui flashdisk. Untuk melakukan pencegahan, kita bisa menggunakan salah satu fitur yang ada di Windows XP yaitu Local Security Setting. Adapun cara kerjanya adalah memproteksi komputer dari eksekusi terhadap semua file *.exe. Sehingga bila kita membuka file yang ada di flashdisk dan tanpa sepengetahuan kita ternyata menjalankan file virus, maka proses eksekusi tersebut akan di proteksi atau di batalkan.
Adapun langkah-langkahnya adalah:

1. Pilih Start >> Control Panel
2. Pilih Administrative Tools >> Local Security Policy
3. Pilih Software Restriction Policies >> Additional Rules
4. Pada Additional Rules klik kanan >> pilih New Path Rule…
5. Pada kolom Path, pilih Browes pilih dimana drive flshdisk berada, misal di I:\
6. Pada kolom Security Level, pilih Disallowed
7. Pilih OK dan Restart komputer
Sekarang coba kita eksekusi salah satu file dari *.exe.
Yapp…!!! Ternyata file *.exe sekarang sudah tidak bisa lagi di eksekusi di flashdisk. Berarti komputer kita sedikit lebih aman dari serangan virus yang ingin menyebar melalui flashdisk. Lalu gimana biar file *.exe bisa di jalankan..??? Caranya ya kita pindah dulu file tersebut ke Drive/Harddisk.
Nb: Jika kita menjalankan file *.exe yang di compress, misal pakai winrar file tersebut tetap bisa di jalankan. Namun misal kita ingin meng-extrak file tersebut tidak bisa dilakukan. (Tertulis The System Cannot Find The Path Specified)
Yang ditakutkan adalah waktu kita meng-compress file *.exe sudah dususupi virus, tapi semoga saja tidak.

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

pemandangan alam

Keindahan gunung Bromo

Gunung Bromo merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata di Jawa Timur. Tempat wisata alam ini terletak di Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru di timur kota Malang, Jawa Timur.

Pengunjungnya bukan hanya wisatawan lokal, bahkan banyak yang berasal dari luar negeri. Dengan pemandangan yang khas membuat Bromo layak menjadi tujuan wisata. Apa saja keistimewaan Gunung Bromo? Dingin, begitulah yang akan Anda rasakan saat pertama kali Anda keluar dari mobil. Suhu disini mencapai 10 derajat bahkan sampai 0 derajat Celsius saat menjelang pagi. Maka, Anda hendaknya mempersiapkan pakaian dingin, topi kupluk, sarung tangan, kaos kaki, syal untuk mengatasinya. Tapi, bila Anda melupakan perlengkapan tersebut, ada banyak penjaja keliling yang menawarkan dagangannya berupa topi, sarung tangan, atau syal.

Melihat Matahari Terbit Bromo dari Pananjakan

Pengunjung biasa mengunjungi kawasan ini sejak dini hari dengan tujuan melihat terbitnya matahari. Untuk melihatnya, Anda harus menaiki Gunung Pananjakan yang merupakan gunung tertinggi di kawasan ini. Medan yang harus dilalui untuk menuju Gunung Pananjakan merupakan medan yang berat. Untuk menuju kaki Gunung Pananjakan, Anda harus melalui daerah yang menyerupai gurun yang dapat membuat Anda tersesat. Saat harus menaiki Gunung Pananjakan, jalan yang sempit dan banyak tikungan tajam tentu membutuhkan ketrampilan menyetir yang tinggi. Untuk itu, banyak pengunjung yang memilih menyewa mobil hardtop (sejenis mobil jeep) yang dikemudikan oleh masyarakat sekitar. Masyarakat sekitar berasal dari suku Tengger yang ramah dengan para pengunjung.

Sampai diatas, ada banyak toko yang menyediakan kopi atau teh hangat dan api unggun untuk menghangatkan tubuh sambil menunggu waktu tebitnya matahari. Ada pula toko yang menyewakan pakaian hangat. Menyaksikan terbitnya matahari memang merupakan peristiwa yang menarik. Buktinya, para pengunjung rela menunggu sejak pukul 5 pagi menghadap sebelah timur agar tidak kehilangan moment ini. Anda pun tidak selalu bisa melihat peristiwa ini, karena bila langit berawan, kemunculan matahari ini tidak terlihat secara jelas. Namun, saat langit cerah, Anda dapat melihat bulatan matahari yang pertama-tama hanya sekecil pentul korek api, perlahan-lahan membesar dan akhirnya membentuk bulatan utuh dan memberi penerangan sehingga kita dapat melihat pemandangan gunung-gunung yang ada di kawasan ini. Antara lain, Gunung Bromo, Gunung Batok, atau Gunung Semeru yang merupakan gunung tertinggi di Pulau Jawa.

Kawah dan Lautan Pasir Bromo

lereng kawah gunung bromo

Selesai menyaksikan matahari terbit, Anda dapat kembali menuruni Gunung Pananjakan dan menuju Gunung Bromo. Sinar matahari dapat membuat Anda melihat pemandangan sekitar. Ternyata Anda melewati lautan pasir yang luasnya mencapai 10 km². Daerah yang gersang yang dipenuhi pasir dan hanya ditumbuhi sedikit rumput-rumputan yang mengering. Tiupan angin, membuat pasir berterbangan dan dapat menyulitkan Anda bernafas.

Untuk mencapai kaki Gunung Bromo, Anda tidak dapat menggunakan kendaraan. Sebaliknya, Anda harus menyewa kuda dengan harga Rp 70.000,- atau bila Anda merasa kuat, Anda dapat memilih berjalan kaki. Tapi, patut diperhatikan bahwa berjalan kaki bukanlah hal yang mudah, karena sinar matahari yang terik, jarak yang jauh, debu yang berterbangan dapat membuat perjalanan semakin berat.

Sekarang, Anda harus menaiki anak tangga yang jumlahnya mencapai 250 anak tangga untuk dapat melihat kawah Gunung Bromo. Sesampainya di puncak Bromo yang tingginya 2.392 m dari permukaan laut, Anda dapat melihat kawah Gunung Bromo yang mengeluarkan asap. Anda juga dapat melayangkan pandangan Anda kebawah, dan terlihatlah lautan pasir dengan pura di tengah-tengahnya. Benar-benar pemandangan yang sangat langka dan luar biasa yang dapat kita nikmati.

Berkunjunglah pada musim kemarau, jangan musim penghujan, sehingga anda akan mendapatkan momen pemandangan yang sempurna.
Siapkan pakaian pelindung dingin, seperti kerpus, slayer, syal, sarung tangan, jaket, dan jangan lupa sepatu karena cuaca disini cukup dingin.
Bawalah juga kacamata untuk pelindung dari debu pasir selama di segoro wedi.
Jangan berada dikawah Bromo diatas pukul 9 pagi untuk menghindari resiko keracunan.
Timing yang paling tepat berangkat dari Surabaya atau Malang adalah sekitar pukul 12-1 malam.

sumber sebagian diambil dari : http://engineear.wordpress.com/2008/...didalam-kawah/
Ternyata alam bisa menyajikan pemandangan yang penuh keajaiban untuk kita nikmati

Awan yang mirip UFO

Awan indah di tengah samudera




senja makin merah



pemandangan di pantai tropis

indahnya awan dari angkasa

Senin, 10 Agustus 2009

singkong thailand

Nikmatnya Singkong Rebus Ala Thailand
Rois Jajeli - detikSurabaya

Foto: Rois Jajeli
Surabaya - Bosan dengan singkong yang digoreng atau direbus biasa. Bila Anda penikmat makanan enak bisa mencoba singkong rebus ala Thailand ini. Dijamin pasti menggugah selera dan membuat Anda ketagihan.

Olahan singkong dari Negara Gajah Putih itu, warnanya putih dan tidak terlihat seratnya. Saat di lidah terasa empuk dan sedikit ada rasa manis. Rasanya makin maknyus saat singkong atau ubi kayu itu disiram dengan fla santan.

Ingin mencicipinya, para kuliner mania bisa mencobanya di The Food Corner Resto Jalan Ambengan 37, Surabaya. Pihak pengelola mengatakan singkong yang digunakan tetap menggunakan singkong dalam negri. Hanya saja rasanya dan olahannya ala Negara Thai.

"Jangan khawatir, memang singkongnya ini lokal. Meski lokal, singkongnya pilihan dan tidak kalah dengan singkong Thailand. Yang penting rasa, aroma dan masakannya sesuai resep makanan khas Thailand," kata Director the Food Corner Taste of Asian," kata Telly Chia kepada detiksurabaya.com, Senin (10/8/2009).

Koki Food Corner, Sugeng Okawanto mengungkapkan untuk menyediakan menu Singkong Rebus Thailand, pihaknya harus teliti memilah-milah singkong. Warnanya harus putih, berkualitas baik, dan tidak ada seratnya.

"Ciri khasnya singkong ini seperti tidak ada seratnya. Kalau singkong lokal tidak memenuhi kualitas, kami tidak akan menyediakannya karena kami tidak ingin konsumen kecewa," tuturnya.

Dia menjelaskan mengolah singkong rebus Thailand ini cukup singkat. Sebelumnya singkong yang sudah dikelupas kulitnya dan dicuci kemudian dipresto selama 1 jam. Kemudian direbus hingga matang. Setelah matang, air rebusan singkong dibuang. Singkong itu disiram air panas lagi dan ditaburi gula secukupnya.

Gula itu akan meleleh dan meresap pada singkong yang masih panas, sehingga membuat singkong berasa manis.

"Sebelumnya sudah kita siapkan. Ketika ada konsumen, kita tinggal mengambil singkong yang sudah siap itu, ditata kembali. Kemudian singkong kita mikro (pemanas siap saji), singkong kita taburi gula cair ditambah santan hingga merata dan siap saji," ungkap Sugeng.

Makanan ini akan terasa nikmat disantap saat masih hangat dan suhu di sekitarnya dingin. Kalau tidak senang rasa manis koki siap melayani sesuai permintaan konsumen.

Harganya cukup terjangkau, satu porsi Rp 6.000 ditambah pajak 10 persen total Rp 6.600, sudah bisa merasakan Singkong Rebus Thailand di The Food Corner Taste of Asian.(roi/wln)

Senin, 03 Agustus 2009


VARIOmobil Perfect 1200 Platinum Class A Motorhome

June 26, 2009 | Class A Motorhomes


Yakin, kami mungkin di tengah sebuah resesi, namun jika Anda punya beberapa tambahan sekitar bucks apung, pikirlah splurging pada VARIOmobil Perfect 1200 Platinum Kelas A motor! Hemat biaya bila tidak datang ke setiap Luxe termasuk fitur dipikirkan, yang Sempurna 1200 Platinum dibangun seperti sulit motor di luar, tapi di dalam dirancang dalam "bentART" suasana. Outfitted di cherry mebel kayu, kulit bulsak dan teknologi tinggi keenakan, ini VARIOmobil Kelas A motor juga datang hidrolik dioperasikan dengan garasi mobil yang sesuai dengan mobil. Fitur-fitur lainnya termasuk lantai granit, Corian countertop, meja bar dengan lantai lemari, extendable couch hujan dan pancuran di kamar mandi. VARIOmobil.

Melalui Bornrich



Country Coach Veranda Class A Motorhome 2009

August 7, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Upgrade Anda motor pengalaman di Negara Coach Veranda Kelas A motor 2009. Sederhana dengan menekan sebuah tombol, langkah di luar dan menikmati pemandangan. The Veranda menawarkan satu-of-a-kind fitur - you guessed it, sebuah emper. Menggunakannya untuk al fresco dining, memancing, atau hanya untuk admiring sunset. Nilai untuk menanggung £ 3,000 dari berat dan dikelilingi oleh pagar yang dibangun untuk pemukiman, kode ini Negara Coach kelas A motor dari emper maksimum menjamin keselamatan, kehandalan dan kekuatan. Hanya beberapa fitur luar biasa yang ditemukan di luar emper merupakan 37-inch high definition TV LCD, yang gali berduel arah rollout kabinet, utilitas dan plug-in Shades dan krepyak. Coach Motorhomes negara.


Winnebago Adventurer Class A Motorhome 2009

June 10, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Wpetualang innebago Kelas A motor 2009 menetapkan standar untuk denda RV hidup. Dibangun pada Ford F53, sebuah kuda kuda W22 atau W24 chassis, adalah petualang yang didukung oleh 362-hp 6.8L Super-Duty V10 SOHC pelaut atau 340-hp 8.1L mesin GM Vortec V8. Menawarkan ruang interior, desain SmartSpace dan nilai luar biasa, ini Winnebago Kelas A motor datang dengan pilihan standar grafis atau penuh melukis tubuh, serta beberapa rencana inovatif lantai. Ini termasuk seluruh-dinding geser, sebuah slide dengan tiga tempat tidur dan lari king size bed. Winnebago Motorhomes.

Mandalay 43C Class A Diesel Motorhome 2008

June 5, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Langkah di dalam Mandalay 43C Kelas A Diesel motor 2008, dan Anda akan dikelilingi oleh suatu lingkungan yang menawarkan total upscale fasilitasnya gaya dan menawan. Dibangun pada tag gandar chassis, Mandalay Kelas A ini digerakkan oleh motor yang 425-HP Cummins Isl mesin dan datang dilengkapi Allison MH 3000 enam kecepatan transmisi otomatis. 43C yang merupakan melipatempatkan slide-out dengan dapur / sofa dan sofa / dinette slide yang hidup dalam wilayah dan ruang tidur. Hal ini juga dilengkapi dengan dual-UltraLeather menyembunyikan sebuah tempat tidur dengan kasur udara, Ultraleather sihir sofa bed, gratis-dinette berdiri dan stackable washer dan dryer. Kandas dasar harga $ 300.000. Mandalay Motorcoach.



Holiday Rambler Scepter Class A Motorhome 2009

May 26, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Charming dan canggih, Holiday pengembara tongkat kerajaan Kelas A motor 2009 memiliki gaya luang. Menawarkan berbagai artful exteriors, dinamis warna pilihan dan mewah fasilitasnya, tongkat kerajaan yang akan cocok dengan gaya hidup. Untuk 2009, ini pengembara Liburan Kelas A digerakkan oleh motor yang kuat baru mesin standar - yang Cummins Isl 425hp torque dengan 1200. Outfitted gloss selesai dengan indah dan gemerlap cabinetry dipoles solid permukaan countertops, yang menawarkan atas kekuasaan raja-of-baris appliances, legless yang solid dinette permukaan dengan gaya upholstered kursi, lemari pakaian yang besar dan sebuah tempat tidur berukuran besar. Berdasarkan harga $ 277.000. Liburan pengembara RV.



Damon Essence Class A Motorhome 2008

May 15, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


The Essence Damon motor 2008 Kelas A adalah inti dari hidup terjangkau! Dibangun dengan radius-sudut atap kubah TPO, gel-upgrade dan dilapisi sidewalls Aerodynamic depan dan belakang fiberglass caps, dan digerakkan oleh 425-hp Isl Cummins mesin, yang Essence memberikan ultra halus naik. Interior dan exteriors menyumbar yang terlihat rapi dan modern. Orang kaya, dekorasi yang sangat mewah kulit yang hidup di daerah akan surround Anda kehangatan dan kenyamanan, dan dapur yang lengkap dengan fitur-fitur seperti upscale ubin lantai keramik, Corian countertops, satu tuas keran air dengan semprotan dan ultra sel kulit dinette dengan memecahkan dlm lapisan tipis / tepi meja kayu. Berdasarkan harga $ 253.960. Damon Motor Coach.



Monaco Dynasty Class A Motorhome 2009

May 12, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Tonggak berikutnya dalam hidup Anda dapat ditemukan di Monako dinasti Kelas A motor 2009. Apresiasi untuk hal-hal yang halus dalam kehidupan adalah inspirasi bagi Dinasti, memberikan Anda semua kemewahan yang telah bekerja keras untuk jadi. Naik secara eksklusif pada Roadmaster chassis, ini Monako Kelas A motor memberikan sebuah pengalaman yang tak terlupakan motor diesel. Interior membuatnya merasa seperti Anda tidak pernah meninggalkan rumah. Negara-of-the-art dapur fasilitasnya fitur seperti empat pintu kulkas, microwave spacesaver konveksi dan tinggi keluaran dua pembakar cooktop. Luxe fitur lainnya termasuk LCD TV, ternoda atau alam solid oak cabinetry, ubin lantai keramik, kulit penidur J-lounge dengan penarik dan ratu berukuran kasur. Berdasarkan harga $ 382.000. Monako Coach.



Blue Bird Wanderlodge Class A Motorhome 2009

May 5, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Kuat, dan meaner lagi, Blue Bird Wanderlodge Kelas A motor 2009 aturan jalan! Boasting yang agresif dan front end spoiler belakang, yang merupakan evolusi Wanderlodge kemewahan motorhomes dan tebal pernyataan desain. Powered by baru, didesain ulang, kinerja tinggi Cummins mesin, ini Blue Bird Kelas A motor menghasilkan lebih dari 600hp. Dan karena Anda menghabiskan banyak waktu di jalan, yang menawarkan Wanderlodge seluruh kenyamanan dan luxuries di rumah. Fitur termasuk tampan cuci dan dryer, kayu eksotik cabinetry, King Cross tempat tidur dengan kasur innerspring, kulit upholstered recliner dan carpeted lantai. Blue Bird Coach.



Silver Crown Pony Xpress Elite Class A Motorhome 2008

April 23, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Bila Anda tujuan panggilan, terbaik dalam Silver Crown Pony Xpress Elite Kelas A motor 2008. Menawarkan kemewahan dan keanggunan, yang Pony Xpress Elite ternyata kepala mengesankan dengan desain eksterior dan skema cat. Langkah di dalam dan anda akan berpikir anda di hotel bintang lima, dengan high-end fitur interior. Kelas ini Silver Crown C motor datang dengan janji seperti lemari kayu solid dovetailed dengan celana panjang, solid surface countertops, porselen ubin lantai dan mewah bulsak. Fitur-fitur lainnya termasuk ultra kulit dinette sleeper sofa dan listrik, di luar pusat hiburan dan konveksi microwave oven. Crown Coach perak.


Forest River Georgetown Class A Motorhome 2008

April 15, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Boasting daya tahan lama, kinerja dan inovasi, di Hutan Sungai Georgetown Kelas A motor 2008 memberikan yang terbaik bang for your buck RV. Luar gedung menggunakan metode konstruksi dan suara, Hutan Sungai ini telah menjadi Kelas A motor menjadi mimpi menjadi kenyataan. Bila Anda memasukkan "Dream Kitchen," Anda akan melihat bahwa setiap keenakan modern telah disertakan, seperti ada yang menyentuh finishing, seperti stainless steel solid permukaan dan lampu halogen. Ketika saatnya untuk melipatkan dalam, master suite dilengkapi dengan LCD TV, banyak ruang penyimpanan dan master mandi. Hutan Sungai RV.



Four Winds Magellan Class A Motorhome 2008

April 4, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Want standar hidup Anda untuk meningkatkan dramatis? Kemudian mendapatkan ke Empat Winds Magellan Kelas A motor 2008. Upscale fitur dan elegan ditunjuk interior menetapkan Magellan, dan berbagai ganda tiga dan slide-out lantai rencana akan memudahkan memilih salah satu yang tepat bagi Anda. Dibangun pada chassis Ford dengan V-10, 6,8 liter pelaut-mesin, ini Empat Winds Kelas A motor menawarkan banyak ruang untuk orang dewasa dan anak-anak. Outfitted kontemporer dengan gaya cabinetry-Eropa, juga fitur-fitur yang Magellan lari tempat tidur, a 32-inch televisi LCD di ruang keluarga, yang sudah dilengkapi dengan dapur sepanjang dinette, roll out countertop ekstensi dengan kabinet penyimpanan dan 26-inch LCD di televisi kedua-dua restoran dan kamar tidur. Berdasarkan harga $ 121.170. Empat Winds RV.



Damon DayBreak Class A Motorhome 2008

March 18, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Heran yang terjangkau Damon Daybreak Kelas A motor 2008 kemasan keseluruhan banyak kenyamanan ke dalam desain kompak. The Daybreak's sleek, Aerodynamic terlihat dapat dilakukan berkat nya fiberglass caps depan dan belakang. Kelas A ini Damon motor dimulai dengan baik atau pekerja kasar Ford chassis dan hanya akan lebih baik dari sana. Untuk kebutuhan penyimpanan Anda, Daybreak yang datang dengan penuh basement yang menawarkan ton untuk penyimpanan ekstra besar-kargo. Memperluas Anda tinggal di luar ruang dengan jerubung, Anda dapat menonton permainan pada removable LCD TV. Anda ingin menghabiskan banyak waktu terlalu dalam, seperti fitur interior yang hangat, mengundang rumah bergaya dekorasi, penghias-diilhami kain dan elegan furnitur pilihan. Berdasarkan harga $ 91.476. Damon Motorcoach.



Volkner Mobil 900 - 1200 HG Class A Motorhome

March 10, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Jangan meninggalkan mobil di belakang - hanya berkendara ke dalam Volkner Mobil 900 - 1200 HG Kelas A motor. Dibangun di atas Mercedes Benz Atego atau Actros, atau Volvo bus chassis, 900-1200 HG baris yang datang dalam berbagai lantai rencana, tetapi semuanya datang dengan tempat untuk mobil. Thanks hidrolik beban ke dataran, Volkner Mobil ini dapat dengan mudah angkat motor dan mobil Anda menyimpan atau mainan tambahan Anda mungkin ingin membawa untuk naik. Juga dapat outfitted ke tepat spesifikasi. Jika Anda memerlukan lebih banyak ruang, tambahkan ekstra di kamar dengan penambahan hingga tiga slide-outs. Dan apabila hanya akan melakukan yang terbaik, keindahan ini datang lengkap dengan finest kayu, kulit, aluminium, baja, marmer dan granit, bersama dengan semua makhluk kenyamanan Anda harapkan dari rumah. Volkner Mobil.



Marathon Echo 1131 Class A Motorhome 2008

February 29, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Dikenal untuk pertama kelas bis konversi, Marathon baru saja meluncurkan model terbaru dalam baris Echo - 1131 Kelas A yang motor 2008. Dibangun pada Prevost H3-45 chassis, yang Echo 1131 adalah sebuah ruang tiga slide-out yang mengkombinasikan fasilitas mewah dari rumah dengan kebebasan gaya hidup yang RV. Kelas A ini Marathon motor dari luar yang memiliki "laut" latar pada driver's side, lengkap dengan shimmering airbrushed gelombang laut, sementara penumpang dari "bumi" samping, menawarkan pohon palem pada Minggu lepek-pantai - baik yang diberikan pada kaca - seperti, super-reflektif selesai. Desain unik termasuk fitur dirahasiakan penarik dishwashers, plasma dan televisi layar flat monitor, underbelly pusat hiburan, KVH dalam gerakan satelit, internet dan telepon penerimaan, dan global positioning system (GPS) dengan pilot dan co-pilot pemantau. Model yang ditampilkan di sini untuk menjual hanya $ 2.059.620. Coach marathon.



Triple E Empress Class A Motorhome 2008

February 22, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


All hail the Empress! The Triple E Empress Kelas A motor 2008 menawarkan para pemilik mewah, desain dan kualitas drivability indah. Powered by Cummins Isl 425 sebuah mesin diesel, Empress duduk di atas takhta baru - penuh udara naik Freightliner chassis, lengkap dengan independen penskorsan depan. Hidup atas nama raja-nya, ini Tripel E Kelas A motor shower Anda berlimpah fasilitasnya dan perabot khusus. Fitur-fitur seperti air panas ubin lantai granit dengan tatahan di dapur, kamar mandi dan tinggal daerah pemukiman dan gaya queen-size bed dengan kayu-frame, upholstered headboard mengatakan Anda telah tiba. Grand fitur lainnya termasuk 12 kubik kaki stainless steel dengan lemari es es maker dan pilihan anda Panen Cherry, Walnut Denmark, atau Alam cabinetry Cherry dan papan bingkai. Triple E RV.



Newmar Grand Star Class A Motorhome 2008

February 1, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Make every journey a grand one in the Newmar Grand Star Class A Motorhome 2008. Available in a gas or diesel model, the Grand Star is all about versatility and choice. Built on either a Ford or Workhorse chassis, this Newmar Class A Motorhome offers super storage below and lighted exterior storage compartments. The features inside are also grand. You’ll find deluxe carpeting in the living room and bedroom, and vinyl flooring in the kitchen and bathroom. Other luxurious features include a three-burner recessed range, a 26-inch LCD TV in the living area, oak cabinetry with raised-panel cabinet doors and a pull-out pantry with adjustable shelves. Newmar RV.



Country Coach Allure 400 Series Class A Motorhome 2008

January 23, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Building on its reputation of luxury and comfort, the Country Coach Allure 400 Series Class A Motorhome 2008 lets you take refinement on the road. This year, you’ll find new designer interiors that use superb fabrics and textures. The exterior of this Country Coach Class A motorhome gets the same luxe treatment, with dramatic new paint stylings and designs. For 2008, the Allure 400 Series also sees a new and more robust Independent Front Suspension upgrade, increasing the wheel cut to 55 degrees, and adding 2,400 lb to the overall GVWR. Other new features include a powered roller day/night shade system with solar protection and total light-blocking capabilities. Country Coach RV.



2008 Monaco LaPalma XL Class A Motorhome

January 8, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


The power and prestige of a diesel is now yours, with the 2008 Monaco LaPalma XL Class A Motorhome. Powered by a Cummins ISB-AD 340 HP EPA 2007 Low-Torque engine, the LaPalma XL comes with the choice of either an Allison 1000 MH or 2,100 MH six-speed transmissions. Drive with style in this Monaco Class A motorhome with the help of a fiberglass automotive dash with silver graphite instrumentation panel. Other features include a spacesaver convection microwave, washer/dryer prep, 20-inch LCD TV, profile raised panel cabinet door, upper cabinet doors and wardrobe doors with top arch and queen bed with nightstands. Base price of $144,000. Monaco Coach.



2008 Travel Supreme Alante Class A Motorhome

January 7, 2008 | Class A Motorhomes


Sophisticated and relaxed, the 2008 Travel Supreme Alante Class A Motorhome exudes a warm and inviting atmosphere. Bathed in rich fabrics, soft leathers and silky smooth hardwoods, the Alante is the epitome of fine living. Thought has been put into every detail of this Travel Supreme Class A motorhome. Wood shadow box valances, molding and decorative wood trim for valances, and molding and mitered cabinet doors make all the difference to this stunning RV. New for 2008 are features such as a newly styled front cap with ultra vision wraparound, flexsteel captain chairs, 42-inch HD-LCD TV with home theatre in the living room and multiplex lighting. Travel Supreme RV.



2008 Fleetwood Revolution LE Class A Motorhome

December 31, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


With style to spare, the 2008 Fleetwood Revolution LE Class A Motorhome is much more than a luxurious coach - it's a bold sign of success, independence and innovative design. Offering six floor plans and lengths between 40 and 43 feet, the Revolution LE is built on the Liberty Chassis and is powered by a 400hp Cummins ISL 8.9L diesel engine. This Fleetwood Class A motorhome’s front cap has been newly redesigned, with a contemporary edge, all while enhancing your panoramic view. Inside, you’ll find a dream home on wheels, complete with wood cabinetry, home theater system, dinette with plush seating, stainless steel appliances, solid surface countertops and queen-size pillowtop innerspring mattress. Base price of $276,346. Fleetwood RV.



2008 Liberty Coach Elegant Lady Class A Motorhome

December 18, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


A classy lady all the way, the 2008 Liberty Coach Elegant Lady Class A Motorhome provides owners with style, design, and cutting-edge technology. From start to finish, your Elegant Lady is an extension of your personality. Once you decide to have Liberty Coach build your interior, you visit their facility in North Chicago to work with our designers to choose your coach interior and to design your exterior paint scheme. With plenty of room for storage, feel free to take as much stuff as you need for short or long trips. Another unique feature with this Liberty Coach Class A motorhome is that they custom craft the cabinetry, and the couches, countertops and ceiling pieces are dry fit on their computer system and fit to the correct profile before they are built. Liberty Coach.


2008 Gulf Stream Tourmaster Class A Motorhome

December 17, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


See the many splendors of the country, enjoy time with your loved ones, and tour your favorite cities and destinations in the style and elegance with the 2008 Gulf Stream Tourmaster Class A Motorhome. Available in four different floor plans, the Tourmaster comes with the option of deluxe full body paint, as well as a ceiling height of 7.5 feet. Plush yet affordable, this Gulf Stream Class A motorhome lets you live the luxe lifestyle. Features include ceramic tile in kitchen, bath and entry, maple hardwood cabinetry, Corian countertops, 40,000 BTU ducted furnace and deluxe electric main awning with wind sensor. Base price of $234,000. Gulf Stream Coach.



2008 Silver Crown S Series Class A Motorhome

December 13, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


A benchmark in luxury motorcoach design and craftsmanship, the 2008 Silver Crown S Series Class A Motorhome shows the world that you’ve truly arrived. Go first class all the way – the S Series boasts meticulous engineering, impressive exterior styling and a strikingly luxurious interior. Owning this Silver Crown Class A motorhome is like driving a five-star hotel. Luxe features include an electric cooktop with touch controls, stainless convection microwave, low profile hi-def tracking satellite system, neo-round shower with marble walls, stackable washer/dryer, queen-sized pillow top innerspring mattress and heated granite floor throughout. Silver Crown Coach.



2008 Rexhall Aerbus/RexAir Class A Motorhome

December 7, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Sleek, smooth and curvy, the 2008 Rexhall Aerbus/RexAir Class A Motorhome looks good inside and out. Built on a Workhorse UFO chassis with a GM Vortec V8 engine, the Aerbus/RexAir features a welded uni-body steel superstructure and one-piece gel-coated fiberglass roof cap and sidewalls. Interiors in each of the four floor plans are luscious and comfortable. This Rexhall Class A motorhome features a curved stair front entrance, a DVD home theater system with surround sound that is iPod ready, and a 32-inch LCD TV in the living room, as well as a 26-inch LCD TV in the bedroom. Base price of $182,90. Rexhall RV.



2008 Holiday Rambler Scepter Class A Motorhome

November 22, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


With a style all its own, the 2008 Holiday Rambler Scepter Class A Motorhome is an ideal blend of charm and sophistication. Exuding an artful exterior and spectacular interior color choices, the 2008 Scepter is in a class all its own. Powered by a Cummins ISL 400 diesel engine and built on a Roadmaster chassis, this Holiday Rambler Class A motorhome is in it for the long haul. Interior appointments include a four-door refrigerator, 32-inch flatscreen LCD TV, gloss finish cabinetry, designer carpeting and bedroom dresser. Base price of $282,000. Holiday Rambler RV.



2008 Forest River Berkshire Class A Motorhome

November 8, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


The newest motorhome to Forest River’s diesel line up, the 2008 Berkshire Class A Motorhome offers luxury is that is truly within reach! Equipped with all the amenities of a high-end luxury diesel RV, this Forest River Class A motorhome is available at about the same price as a gas motorcoach. Built on a Freightliner Raised Rail XC chassis and powered by either a Cummins 300 hp or the Mercedes 330 engine, the Berkshire is available with two quadruple slide-out floor plans. With plenty of room for entertainment or full-time living, a few of the standard features the Berkshire comes with are a fiberglass roof, full body paint, automatic generator slide out, automatic door and patio awnings and 32-inch LCD front TV. Base price of $139,995. Forest River RV.


2008 Damon Tuscany Class A Motorhome

October 26, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


A sophisticated combination of high-end living features and elegant automotive design, the 2008 Damon Tuscany Class A Motorhome makes you feel like royalty. Available in three, four or five slides, the Tuscany exudes luxury. With its Cummins ISC engine with 360hp and 1,050 lb-ft. of torque, this Damon Class A motorhome delivers great performance, while its engine produces less wear and tear and greater fuel efficiency. Inside, you’ll find rich residential cabinetry with solid hardwood raised-panel doors, Corian countertops with matching flush-mount sink and range covers in the kitchen, plus lovely ceramic tile flooring. Other features include an entertainment center, ultraleather sofa, full height, one-piece, fiberglass shower and Flexsteel driver and passenger seats. Base price of $222,880. Damon RV.


2008 Safari Trek Class A Motorhome

October 24, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Where will the 2008 Safari Trek Class A Motorhome take you? The answer is anywhere and everywhere your adventurous spirit leads you! Great for weekend get-aways or full-blown excursions, the Trek’s 8.1L V-8 gasoline engine with electronic fuel injection combines power and performance with luxury and complete comfort. One of the most unique features about this Safari Class A motorhome is its innovative hidden ceiling bed. With just the push of a button, the bed, complete with ladder, mattress and sleep sac, descends from the ceiling. Other great features include a 26-inch LCD TV, rear vision system with audio and adjustable camera, a large double-door refrigerator with ice maker and hardwood cabinetry. Safari Motorcoaches.


2008 Gulf Stream Bounty Hunter Class A Motorhome/Toy Hauler

October 17, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Looks like there’s a new sheriff in town! The all-new 2008 Gulf Stream Bounty Hunter Class A Motorhome/Toy Hauler is laying down the law while hauling in the value. Built on either a Workhorse Gas or Freightliner Diesel engine, the Bounty Hunter incorporates the Cradle of Strength super-strength truss system, which is designed to distribute and transfer the tremendous forces from the coach to the chassis rail. Equipped with features such as a 12-foot garage, king-size bed, forward facing skylights, auxiliary fuel tank, electric awning and luggage rack, this Gulf Stream Class A motorhome/toy hauler offers everything you need to enjoy your outdoor adventures. Gulf Stream Coach.

2008 Winnebago Vectra Class A Motorhome

October 2, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


The flagship of the Winnebago lineup, the 2008 Vectra Class A Motorhome delivers quality and class to the core. Built on the all-new Maxum chassis and powered by a Cummins ISL 8.9L 425-hp engine, the Vectra offers plenty of storage and improved ride and handling. This Winnebago Class A motorhome exudes style by the mile, with a flashy exterior and the well-appointed interior. Standard features include an exterior entertainment center, vinyl ceiling, Corian solid-surface countertops, freestanding dining table and chairs and a microwave/convection oven. Base price of $291,326. Winnebago RV.



2008 Damon Outlaw Class A Motorhome

September 24, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Be on the lookout for the 2008 Damon Outlaw Class A Motorhome. Boasting an impressive list of new features, the Outlaw is ideal for those who want to bring their toys along for the ride. From its bold fiberglass front cap to its sleek and stylish sloped roof, this Damon Class A motorhome is big on eye-appeal. New for 2008 is its one-piece windshield which improves visibility and safety, and is tinted to shield the driver from the sun’s glare. The cozy loft bedroom offers a 60 x 74-inch bed and 15-inch LCD TV, while the kitchen comes outfitted with a double-door refrigerator, three-burner range and microwave, and a dream dinette. Base price of $120,380. Damon Motor Coach.



2008 Fleetwood Southwind Class A Motorhome

September 13, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2008 Fleetwood Southwind Class A Motorhome dazzles with its full-body paint, striking exterior graphics and clean, modern style. Built with Power Platform Plus Construction, the Southwind is extra tough, and it provides plenty of storage. A four-seasons Class A motorhome, Fleetwood has made sure to include all the comforts of home. Spacious interiors feature residential seat styling, molded tub/shower enclosure, three-burner, high-output range with oven, radius corner cabinetry, 20-inch flat screen TV and Restonic deluxe pillow top innerspring mattress. Fleetwood RV.



2008 Beaver Patriot Thunder Class A Motorhome

August 31, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2008 Beaver Patriot Thunder Class A Motorhome is sure to inspire you with its beauty and power. Powered by the CAT 525-hp C-13 engine, the Patriot Thunder will move you in more ways than one. For even more excitement, take a tour of this Beaver Class A motorhome’s interior. Newly designed floor plans are built around your lifestyle, with unique features such as 30-inch-deep bed slide-out boxes for more room and comfort, a pillowtop-hinged mattress, ample closet and drawer space, a central vacuum system, and a spacious shower with Corian caddy or optional bathtub. Base price of $458,000. Beaver Motor Coaches.


2008 Georgie Boy Cruise Master Class A Motorhome

August 23, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Master the open roads with the 2008 Georgie Boy Cruise Master Class A Motorhome. Redesigned for 2008 and equipped with the Workhorse UFO chassis, the Cruise Master has all that you’ll need to enjoy life on the go. Interiors in this Georgie Boy Class A motorhome are right out of a décor magazine, with Lakeside Maple cabinetry, solid surface designer countertops and hardwood cabinet doors and drawers. You’ll sleep easy on a queen-size bed, deluxe innerspring mattress and designer bedspread. At the end of the day, relax with some help from the Euro chair, hide-a-bed sofa, 32-inch LCD TV and home theater with DVD player. Georgie Boy Motorhomes.


2008 Monaco Coach Diplomat Class A Motorhome

August 16, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


No detail has been left to chance in the 2008 Monaco Coach Diplomat Class A Motorhome. With enough luxury to go around, the 2008 Diplomat features new graphics in four paint colors and fades, plus a new front cap with chrome accents. The exterior isn’t the only striking thing about this Monaco Coach Class A motorhome. Interiors feature all-new furnishings, polished Corian surfaces and a 32-inch LCD TV. Step into the bedroom to relax and enjoy your oversized closet wardrobe, decorative headboard and day/night pleated blackout shades. Base price of $238,000. Monaco Coach.



2008 Itasca Ellipse Class A Motorhome

August 3, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Comfort, amenities and enhanced performance all come standard in the 2008 Itasca Ellipse Class A Motorhome. Thanks to the all-new Freightliner Maxum chassis and a Cummins ISL 8.9L 400-hp engine, the Ellipse handles like a dream. With four unique floor plans to choose from, this Itasca Class A motorhome offers an innovative raised-rail design which provides cross-coach storage. Other standard features include the Rest Easy multi-position lounge, a full comfort dinette that incorporates innerspring cushions, a six-month subscription to Sirius satellite radio and a Sleep Number bed by Select Comfort. Base price of $252,750. Itasca RV.

2008 Country Coach Affinity 700 Custom Class A Motorhome

July 25, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


If you have an affinity for the very best that life has to offer, then you’ll want to check out the all-new 2008 Country Coach Affinity 700 Custom Class A Motorhome. Every detail in the Affinity 700 is shaped and finished by you – you are your own interior designer! New standard features for this 2008 Country Coach Class A motorhome include a powered roller day/night shade system with solar protection and total light blocking capabilities, flush-mounted two-burner touch pad controlled electric cooktop and driver area memory presets for six cab-mirror heads, the steering column, adjustable pedals and the driver seat. Country Coach.


2008 Beaver Marquis Class A Motorhome

July 5, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Determined to set its new RV apart, the 2008 Beaver Marquis Class A Motorhome is different by design. In addition to two new floor plans which include bath-and-a half layouts, the 2008 Marquis is also enhanced with five-color exterior painted graphics and fades. Built with heavy-duty steel superstructure and steel cage cockpit construction, this Beaver Class A motorhome will be a welcome companion on road for many years – and adventures – to come. Luxe interior features are meant to pamper. Handcrafted wood cabinetry, In-Motion digital satellite system, a walk-in wardrobe, a mosaic tile vanity backsplash and plush carpeting will make you feel like you never left home. Base price of $559,000. Beaver Motor Coaches.


2008 Newmar London Aire Class A Motorhome

July 2, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


London is calling – it’s the 2008 Newmar London Aire Class A Motorhome. The top-of-the-line model in Newmar’s line of luxury motorcoaches, the London Aire is a symbol of the finer things in life. Built on a Spartan K3 chassis and powered by a Cummins ISX 600-hp engine, Newmar’s prestigious Class A motorhome offers three floor plans to choose from. Choice standard features include aWhirlpool two-piece washer/dryer, natural Cherry hardwood, sculptured padded ceiling, designer wallpaper and 15M Penguin heat pump air conditioner with remote control thermostat. Base price of $895,000. Newmar Motor Coach.



2008 Tiffin Allegro Class A Motorhome

June 28, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


2008 sees Tiffin’s Allegro Class A Motorhome getting a makeover. The 2008 Allegro is now being offered with full body paint, in colors such as Champagne, Silver Sage or Sunlit Sand. Choose from partial or full body paint schemes – and to mirror these exterior changes, this Tiffin Class A motorhome will feature all-new interior features as well. You’ll find new standard features such as a full-tile living and galley area on all floor plans, which gives the Allegro a stylish look and feel. Other great features include high-quality appliances, an inner spring mattress, Scotchgard treated carpet and fabrics, large pull-out storage drawers and decorative wall hangings. Tiffin Motorhomes.


2008 Itasca Sunstar Class A Motorhome

June 22, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


This Class A motorhome comes complete with Class A value. The 2008 Itasca Sunstar Class A Motorhome features the comfort and quality you’ve come to expect from the Itasca name, all at a price you’ll love. Ideal for your next family vacation, the Sunstar comes with a full-featured galley with a microwave oven and a range top, as well as large cabinets, perfect for all of your storage needs. No matter which of the three models you choose, each of these Itasca Class A motorhomes comes with a dinette that converts into a bed and is designed with SmartSpace features like an underbed storage compartment. Base price of $84,234. Itasca RV.


2008 Forest River Charleston Class A Motorhome

June 13, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


When you travel in the 2008 Forest River Charleston Class A Motorhome, it’s like taking your home on vacation with you. With six floor plans and a variety of décor options to choose from, the Charleston provides all the comforts of home. From the seven foot ceilings in the spacious living room to the plush carpet underfoot, Forest River has thought of everything to make this Class A motorhome as luxe as possible. A few of the other fine features you’ll find inside are a china cabinet with decorative glass doors, inside lighting and adjustable glass shelf, porcelain tiles, 12-inch high solid surface counter backsplash and a cedar lined closet. Forest River RV.


2008 Country Coach Magna 630 Class A Motorhome

June 8, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2008 Country Coach Magna 630 Class A Motorhome is a true testament to the company’s commitment to outfit its motorcoaches with some of the finest materials and cutting-edge features. The Magna 630 is a shining example of this promise, with five spacious floor plans to choose from and an array of interior décor options. New luxe standard features for this 2008 Country Coach Class A motorhome include radiant floor heating in the galley and bath, an Intellitec memory system, a concealable touch-screen color rear/side-view monitor and a driver area memory presets. Country Coach Motorcoaches.

2008 Monaco Coach Dynasty Class A Motorhome

June 5, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Even before you hit the roads, you can start your adventure off by discovering all of the great new features in the 2008 Monaco Coach Dynasty Class A Motorhome. From its Cummins ISL 425-hp engine and five-color exterior graphics with integrated fades to its high-gloss Corian countertops, 32-inch LCD TV and quad slide bath-and-a-half floorplan, the Monaco new Class A motorhome is a pleasure to drive and to own. The Dynasty also includes stained or natural solid oak cabinetry, ceramic tile flooring in the galley and bath, and recessed high-output two-burner cooktop with flush-mounted covers. Monaco Coach.


2008 Winnebago Destination Class A Motorhome

May 31, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2008 Winnebago Destination Class A Motorhome hits the roads this summer, giving you the choice of either a gas or a diesel pusher chassis. Taking advantage of the all-new Workhorse UFO chassis and the 8.1L, 340-hp rear engine, this Winnebago Class A motorhome gets you where you need to go, in style. Each of Destination’s two floor plans comes with great features such as plenty of storage, beautiful curved cabinetry and a 7'2.5" ceiling height. Base price of $164,751. Winnebago RV.


2007 Fleetwood Expedition Class A Motorhome

May 28, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Your next great expedition starts with the 2007 Fleetwood Expedition Class A Motorhome. With its 300-hp diesel engine, the Expedition maneuvers the roads easily and makes towing a breeze. Built on solid steel 10-inch I-beams, this Fleetwood Class A motorhome offers more storage and can withstand the tow load of most vehicles. In the Expedition, upscale décor surrounds you, with features like polished wood cabinetry, a mirrored wardrobe, an innerspring mattress, a three-burner stove and a 20-inch LCD TV. Base price of $175,420. Fleetwood RV.


2007 Alpine Coach Limited Series Class A Motorhome

May 21, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Go first-class all the way with the 2007 Alpine Coach Limited Series Class A Motorhome. Powered by a Cummins diesel ISL 400 engine, the Limited Series also comes with a handy retractable fueling compartment that is designed to eliminate the impact of accidental overfills and provide security for your fuel system. Choose from a wide assortment of interior décor and wood options to decorate your Alpine Coach Class A motorhome. Standard features include a 32-inch LCD-TV, a large garden shower, Maple hardwood cabinetry, a Karadon solid surface dinette table and a central vacuum cleaner. Base price of $337,628. Alpine Coach/Western RV.


2008 Monaco Coach Executive Class A Motorhome - a luxury RV

May 4, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Expect some mighty impressive extras in the 2008 Monaco Coach Executive Class A Motorhome. Some of the all-new features you’ll find in this Monaco Class A motorhome are a Cummins 525-hp ISL engine, 26-inch LCD TV in the bedroom, five-color exterior graphics with integrated fades, in-motion digital satellite system with two DIRECTV HD receivers and high-gloss Corian countertops. With three floor plans to choose from, the Executive luxury coach will cover all of your expectations – and then some! Monaco Coach Motorhomes.



2007 Mandalay Valencia Class A Motorhome - a luxury rv

May 3, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


The latest addition to the Mandalay Luxury Division, the 2007 Valencia Class A Motorhome is available in a variety of different floor plans, interior decor packages and exterior color choices. The Valencia offers the luxe amenities you'd expect to find in a high-priced Class A diesel motorhome, but at a more affordable price. Powered by a Freightliner XC Cummins ISB engine, this Mandalay motorhome will help you push through the toughest road conditions. Luxury amenities include oak wood cabinetry, a fabric hide-a-bed sofa, three-burner high-output cooktop, booth dinette with laminate table and a pillow-top queen mattress. Base price of $152,530. Mandalay Luxury Motorhomes.


2007 Airstream Skydeck Class A Motorhome - the rooftop motorcoach!

April 27, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Reach for the sky with Airstream 2007 Skydeck Class A Motorhome. Built on a Freightliner XC 330 hp Caterpillar chassis, the Skydeck stunning exterior graphics are sure to turn some heads. As the industry’s only rooftop motorcoach, the Skydeck Motorhome rises above it all with cushioned seating, an interior stairwell, automatic raising safety rails, king-sized sun lounger and barbeque area. Down below, you’ll find a residential-style galley, a living area, panoramic windows and comfortable sleeping quarters. Base price of $271,412. Airstream Motorhomes.

Interior & Stairs

Roof Patio

2007 Winnebago Voyage Class A Motorhome

April 25, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


For a ride that turns heads on the roads, the 2007 Winnebago Voyage Class A Motorhome is a beauty inside and out. With four floor plans and a variety of wood and fabric options to choose from, you’ll find that the Voyage Motorhome will soon become your home on the road. Its 7-foot, 2-inch ceiling height makes the spacious interior seem even larger, leaving plenty of room for a lounge chair, countertop with flip-up extension, pantries, range top three-burner stove with storage below, water purification System, queen-size bed with innerspring Serta mattress and patio awning. This Winnebago Motorhome has a base price of $115,655. Winnebago Industries.

2007 Georgie Boy Pursuit Class A Motorhome

April 19, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


The pursuit for the ultimate motorhome is over. Say hello to the 2007 Georgie Boy Pursuit Class A Motorhome. With a Ford 6.8L gas engine and 5-speed automatic transmission, the Pursuit motorhome is a dream to drive. The Pursuit has five different floor plans to choose from and an array of decor options to suit your tastes. Standard interior options include Welbeck Birch cabinetry, a booth dinette, a 27-inch flat screen TV, a three-burner range with oven, a queen-sized bed and a designer bedspread. Base price of $94,920. Georgie Boy Motorhomes.


2007 National Dolphin LX Class A Motorhome

April 10, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Equipped with power, performance, luxury and styling, the 2007 National Dolphin LX Class A Motorhome is in a class of its own. Built on a standard Ford F53 chassis, the Dolphin LX Motorhome is powered by a 362 HP Ford Triton V10 engine. Inside, prepare to be dazzled by the opulently appointed interior and a host of amenities. Standard features in the Dolphin LX rv include a choice of three elegant interior decors and three rich wood finishes, genuine Corian kitchen and bathroom counter tops, a convection microwave oven and a Sandpiper Deluxe residential-style queen size pillow top mattress. There are four floor plans to choose from and has a base price of $156,920. National RV Inc.


2007 Damon DayBreak Class A Motorhome

March 27, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Meet the new day with the 2007 Damon DayBreak Class A Motorhome. With a new, contemporary look, the DayBreak offers plenty of storage – it has a full basement for extra-large cargo. To extend your living space outdoors, the Daybreak offers an awning, and it’s even pre-wired for an exterior TV. Interiors are very roomy, allowing you to put you feet up and relax in style, as you can choose form a variety of inviting decorator-inspired selections. The DayBreak Class A Motorhome rugged Ford or Workhorse chassis both offer amazing dependability and all the power you’ll ever need. Base price of $101,500. Damon Motor Coach.


2007 Tiffin Allegro Bay Class A Motorhome

March 21, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


There’s more room to roam in the 2007 Tiffin Allegro Bay Class A Motorhome. With more space and luxury than ever before, the 2007 Allegro Bay offers its owners a range of standard options that will make any trip pleasurable. Luxurious Class A Motorhome interiors include a cloth recliner and hide-a-bed, stainless steel convection oven, two-burner cooktop, solid wood vanity and 20-inch flat screen TV. The Allegro Bay Motorhome runs on a front engine diesel, which offers long-term dependability and fuel economy, and features an Allison five-speed transmission with overdrive. Tiffin Motorhomes.


2008 Winnebago Itasca Latitude Class A Motorhome

March 16, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


A name synonymous with the RV experience, the 2008 Winnebago Itasca Latitude Class A Motorhome is finally here. The Itasca Latitude comes with the choice of a standard Workhorse UFO rear engine gas chassis or the optional Freightliner rear engine diesel chassis. And whichever of the two floor plans you choose, you’ll notice that both have a redesigned cab area. With its SmartSpace design philosophy, the 2008 Itasca Latitude Motorhome makes the most of its usable space, and features contemporary styling that includes a sofa that combines ultra-leather and fabric for a chic and stunning look, and two-tone, curved wood cabinetry. Winnebago.


2007 Country Coach Allure 400 Series Class A Motorhome

March 15, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Hit the open road with the 2007 Country Coach Allure 400 Series Class A Motorhome. Not only is it engineered for the demands of an adventurous life, the Allure 400 Series includes all those little, luxurious details that make travel extra nice. Standard features in this motorhome include a 32-inch LCD high definition TV in the overhead dash, stained, lacquered cabinetry, galley amenities, a queen-sized bed and so much more. Cruise in comfort with a Caterpillar C9 8.8L 400HP engine with 1,100 ft-lbs torque at 1,400 RPM under the hood. This 2007 Class A Motorhome comes in eight different floor plans and four different choices of interiors. Country Coach.

2008 Forest River Berkshire Diesel Class A Motorhome

March 6, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2008 Berkshire Diesel Class A Motorhome is the newest addition to Forest River line up. Offering all of the amenities of a high-end luxury diesel motor coach, the Berkshire costs about the same price as a gas motor home. Built on a Freightliner Raised Rail XC chassis with complete pass through storage, the Berkshire includes a fiberglass roof, automatic generator slide out, automatic door and patio awnings, 32-inch LCD front TV and more. With three floor plans to choose from, the 2008 Berkshire Diesel Class A Motorhome is available with either the Cummins 300 horse power or the Mercedes 330 engine. Forest River Motorhomes.

Forest River Georgetown UFO Chassis option

January 3, 2007 | Class A Motorhomes


Forest River has become the first RV manufacturer to make coaches on the new UFO rear-engine (Universal Fuel Option), gas-powered chassis from Workhorse Custom Chassis. The UFO rear engine option will be available on 2007 Georgetown SE and Georgetown XL models and the standard Georgetown model. Some of the pros of a rear-engine motorhome include less cabin noise, less cabin heat and less vibration plus the opportunity to build in pass-through basement storage(without the front-to-back driveshaft). With the new Chassis your looking at a price around $135,000. Forest River also offers several new floor plans that have been developed for coaches ranging from 35 feet to 38 feet in length. Forest River.

2007 Country Coach Tribute 260 Class A Motorhome

November 20, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The guys at Country Coach are offering $3,000 in free fuel with your purchase of a 2007 Tribute 260 Class A Motorhome, as long as you send out your warranty card to Country Coach between October 26th and November 30th that is. That gives you about ten more days to act. Even without the fuel the Tribute 260 Class A Motorhome is a beaut. The 2007 includes a standard Caterpillar C9 8.8L 400HP engine, standard 27" LCD high definition TV in overhead dash, Designer-coordinated interiors and much more. I wish there where more floors plans, but the two available are none too shaby. Country Coach RV.

2007 fleetwood discovery Class A motorhome

November 20, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2007 fleetwood discovery Class A motorhome is a bit different from the previous year version. Don't worry the full-wall slide technology isn't going anywhere but 2007 Discovery brings new graphics, numerous standard features like the roomy 4-door Refrigerator and an exterior pull-out grill & kitchenette. There are also only four floorplans to choose from compared to the 6 of 2006 and the base price is slightly higher at $192,500. Fleetwood RV.

2007 Beaver Contessa Class A Motorhome

August 31, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2007 Beaver Contessa Class A Motorhome has had some major plastic surgery this year including a new chassis (either the Roadmaster RR8S or RR10S, depending on floorplan selection) that creates a full pass-through storage area, smoother ride, and a greater weight capacity. Also new on the 2007 Contessa are the standard quadruple slideouts on all floorplans, automatic leveling system, and more power with the new 400 horsepower Caterpillar C-9 engine with Allison transmission. Our option picks include the deluxe security alarm system and the RV Sani-Con Tank drainage system which makes waste disposal much easier. This Class A motorhome has a base price of $265,000 and six floorplans to choose from. Beaver Motorhomes.

2006 Fleetwood Discovery Diesel Class A Motorhome

August 30, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2006 Fleetwood Discovery Diesel Class A Motorhome, along with all other Fleetwood Diesel RV's, now has full wall slide technology which significantly increases cabin size. The Fleetwood boasts features like an improved interior with 84" ceilings and 27" flat screen TV, VCR, home theater sound system. Our pick of options to consider include the optional central vacuum, Spot Light which swivels 180 degrees for easy sight in the dark and exterior entertainment center complete with AM/FM radio with cd player and a 20" TV on a pull out shelf. The Fleetwood Discovery has six floor plans to choose from and a base price of $184,303. Fleetwood RV.

Newell Custom Coaches

August 7, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The beginning process of each Newell Custom Coach starts with taking down each owners preferences, tastes, and elements to ultimately create a dream coach. These truly custom Class A Motorhomes take into account the size, floorplan, interior furnishings, electronics, and mechanics of that dream. Newell Custom Coaches don't run cheap and you can expect to pay upwards of one million for a truly custom Class A experience. Newell Custom Coach.

2007 Country Coach Intrigue 530 - Class A Motorhome

August 7, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2007 Country Coach Intrigue 530 Class A Motorhome features expansive flat-floor living room slide-outs on both sides of your motorcoach allowing you more layout choices. Just press a button in your Intrigue 530 and watch your sublime designer interior, complimented by the tall 82” interior height and beautiful ceiling treatments, expand into the ideal luxury residence for your next adventure. Other cool interior features include sumptuous fabrics and the finest in hardwoods. The new cutting-edge full Intellitec switching makes is easy for coach owners to operate lighting and other functions from multiple locations throughout the motorcoach. And for entertainment the fully integrated, high definition entertainment system (available in 32” or 37” sizes in multiple location) will please all. Country Coach RV.

2006 Featherlite Vantare Executive - Class A Motorhome

August 3, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The Featherlite Vantare Executive Class A Motorhome is just another one of the new Featherlite RV's that incorporates the latest in technology including proximity back-up detectors, in-motion video conferencing, satellite internet access, long life LED lighting, satellite radio, and PLM electrical controllers. Featherlite Luxury Coach owners can use a laptop or tower computer systems with wireless keyboards while viewing there work on any of the 42" Plasma TV's as the monitor. By request the whole coach can turn into your own personal office. The interior can be customized any way you want it until your on the road home is as comfortable or even more comfortable than your house. Featherlite.

Renegade Motorhomes/Toterhomes - Class A Motorhome

August 3, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The Renegade Motorhome (Above) is an unconventional high-performance RV that offer first-class amenities, luxury, style, comfort, and convenience, with 7' of headroom, dual climate control and flexible floorplans. Renegade also makes Toterhomes - A Renegade Toterhome is the combination of Toterhome and trailer which bests all other transportation rigs. Toterhomes sport classy, comfortable interiors, storage and slideouts for added floor space. These RV's offer some of the finest in upscale luxury and well-thought-out functional storage and work stations, and have become a popular trackside fixture at popular racing events. Chuck McKibbin, owner and president, invites you to take a tour of his manufacturing facilities in Bristol, Ind.
Renegade RV.

Powerhouse Custom Coach - Customized Luxury motor coaches

July 24, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


Powerhouse Custom Coaches customize your luxury motor coach the way you want. Powerhouse coaches like the New Ultra Coach line are incredibly lavish inside like a luxury apartment on wheels. The Ultra Coach line, for example, offers a wide body with 3 hydraulic slide out rooms, R-10 wall, R-25 floor, and one of the highest insulated ceilings in the industry. There is plenty of room inside these bad boys to fit Big screen TVs or anything else you must have on the road. Travel in real style for upwards of $250,000. Powerhouse Custom Coaches.

2007 Foretravel Nimbus Motorcoach - Class A Motorcoach

July 21, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The new 2007 Foretravel Nimbus Motorcoach marks the place where luxury (with it's comfortable interior and vast array of options) and value meet. The Foretravel Nimbus Class A Motorcoach comes in either 36', 40', and 42' lengths, has a height of 12'2 3/8, and width of 102'. This Class A Motorcoach runs smoothly and quietly on the TravelRide Chassis and powerfully with the Cummins ISL 400 HP Engine (optional 500HP on 40ft) or the Cummins ISm 500 HP Engine on the 42ft and has five floor plans to choose from. The interior color tone choices are really warm and will make your Nimbus Motorcoach truly feel like home. Foretravel.

2007 Fleetwood Revolution LE Diesel Motorhome - Class A Motor Home

July 21, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The new 2007 Fleetwood Revolution LE Diesel Motorhome comes with top notch features like the one-piece windshield, high-end luxurious furnishings, tilting instrument panel for maximum comfort and visibility, hardwood cabinetry, and a rear vision camera which makes backing up easier. The Fleetwood Revolution LE Diesel Motorhome guarantees a very smooth, comfy ride and plenty of power with it's sweet chassis amd 400-horsepower Cat C9 diesel with an Allison 3000 MH transmission. There are also 3 floor plans to choose from, cool exterior graphics packages and an optional exterior entertainment center. Fleetwood.

Monaco Cayman - Class A Motorhome

April 18, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The Monaco Cayman Class A Motorhome, which runs on a Roadmaster R4R Rail Chassis and Cummins ISB 300 HP Low-Torque Engine with Allison 2500 MH 5-Speed World Transmission, exudes styling and starts at $142,000. For instance the interior residential styling of the Monaco Cayman includes raised panel hardwood cabinet doors, wood slide-out fascia with fabric inserts and accent crown molding in the living area and bedroom, and the cockpit features new soft touch vinyl seats complete with a 6-way power pilot seat. If you look up from the Cayman Cockpit you'll see a 24" Flatscreen TV plus the entertainment systems cabinet. Check out some optional features like a Large Four-Door Refrigerator with Ice Maker, 20” Flatscreen Color TV with Remote Control in Bedroom, or Home Theater System with DVD Player and VCR Player and Surround Sound Speakers. Monaco Coach Corporation.

Holiday Rambler Neptune - Class A Motorhome

April 18, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The Holiday Rambler Neptune is a Class A Motorhome that runs on a Cummins ISB 300 HP Low Torque Engine with Allison 2,500 MH 5-Speed World Transmission, Roadmaster R4R Rail Chassis and is available starting at $142,000. The Holiday Rambler Neptune features a standard Spacesaver Convection Microwave, a 24" flatscreen TV paired with numerous options like a home theater system, impressive dash features like the Eagle Burlwood instrumentation panel and large, easy-to-read gauges, and a higher ceiling height to a full 7 feet. Some cool options on the Neptune include a 3-Camera Rear Vision System with Audio and Adjustable Center Camera, Roof-Mounted Air Horns, Refrigerator with Ice Maker and 20˝ Flatscreen Color TV with Remote Control in Bedroom. Monaco Coach Corporation.

2006 Fleetwood American Eagle - Class A Motorhome

April 14, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


Experience luxury from a new perspective with the 2006 Fleetwood American Eagle Class A Motorhome. Relax and be entertained with features like a 23" Sony Flat Panel TV, Visteon AM/FM Radio & Single CD Player and Sony® Home Theater System that comes standard with the Fleetwood American Eagle. The list of optional features is long and includes a Flexsteel 6-Way Power Passenger Spacious Seat w/Heat Power Lumbar/Electric Footrest, Color GPS Navigation System, 37" Flat Panel TV Package, and Nuheat Heated Tile Floor (Galley Only). Fleetwood American Eagle 40 ft. models offer a 400HP diesel engine ,while 42 ft. models offer an incredible 525HP engine. 2006 American Eagle Starting at $331,100. Fleetwood.

2006 Tiffin Phaeton - Class A Motorhome

April 12, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2006 Tiffin Phaeton Class A Motorhome runs on a Caterpillar diesel C7 engine and is the lowest price Tiffin Diesel. Some interior features the 2006 Tiffin Phaeton Motorhome has are Seven foot ceilings, a refrigerator with hardwood panels, an expansive skylight, and a Sony flat screen television. There are also many optional features you can add to your Phaeton like a central vacuum system for easy clean-up, an exterior entertainment center with TV, Sirius satellite-ready Sony AM/FM/CD with concealed surround sound speakers, and king-size bed with inner spring mattress. It retails at around $205,520. Tiffin Motorhomes.

Travel Supreme Select - Class A Motorhome

April 11, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


Your home says a lot about you. This goes for your home while traveling on the road too. The Travel Supreme Select Class A Motorhome will speak highly of your preference for superb craftsmanship and refined luxury. Inside and out, you'll find your Travel Supreme Select provides you with the finest in motorhome design. The Travel Supreme Select Motorhome features a SPARTAN K2 Tag Axle Chassis (44,600 LB. GVWR) and run on a 500 HP-ISM Cummins 1,550 Ft/Lbs. Torque. You'll find the standard features aboard that will make you feel right at home like a 27" JVC Flat Screen Rear TV, 10-Disc CD Changer, and Heated floors for the Kitchen and Bath tile area. Travel Supreme.

2006 Tiffin Allegro - Class A Motorhome

April 11, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2006 Tiffin Allegro Class A Motorhome was designed from the ground up to deliver more value than any another coach in its price range. The Tiffin Allegro Motorhome comes with your choice of innovative new floorplans equipped with a state-of-the-art sound system and tasteful interior design with cabinetry hand made by Tiffin cabinetmakers. You will also find cool features like a Flat screen TV, Raised, walk-around queen-sized bed, High-quality fixtures, and a New wallboard design in the 2006 Tiffin Allegro.

Newmar Scottsdale - Class A Motorhome

April 11, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The Newmar Scottsdale Class A Motorhome, featuring a Ford F-53 Chassis, is a motorhome of exceptional warmth, beauty and comfort that shows much vitality by putting a new twist on traditional values. Cool standard features on the Newmar Scottsdale include a Sony Flatscreen Color TV in Living Area, Norcold 8 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator, Oak Hardwood Raised-Panel Cabinet Doors and many more. Check out optional features like the Sony Surround Sound System with AM/FM Radio, DVD Player, and Subwoofer, or a 10-Disc CD Player to make your Scottsdale motorhome even more classy. Newmar Corp.

2007 Gulf Stream Friendship - Luxury Motorhome

April 10, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2007 Gulf Stream Friendship Luxury Motorhome, with a 350 HP Cat Freightliner, features a Cradle of Strength construction that's unmatched in the RV industry and includes an all steel overhead structure. Another unique feature is the Gulf Stream sun room which provides open panoramic views, natural lighting and spacious freestanding dinette. A beautiful interior is yours to enjoy complete with deluxe carpet, designer, three-accent decor, your choice of solid cherry hardwood, elegant white laminate or white laminate with cherry accents. The standard entertainment package comes with 30" LCD and a Low-profile satellite, and GPS/MP3 system. Gulf Stream Coach.

Forest River RV Tsunami - Class A Motorhome

April 10, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The Forest River RV Tsunami Class A Motorhome is one of the best Forest River RVs. This RV features rich elegance which is found throughout the entire coach and pertains to well designed interiors, spaciousness, livability, plus richness and taste. Choose from options of custom designed interior decors with coordinated accents, window treatments and pillows and from one of the twelve different floorplans to make sure you have the most custom of motorhomes. Tsunami Forest River RV runs with a ISL - 400 HP @ 1900 RPM w/ C-Brake 8.9 L Electronic Diesel and is suspended on a Freightliner XC Raised Rail chassis. Check out optional features like a Sony 32" Plasma Screen, Central Vacuum System, or Aqua-Hot Coach Heat and Hot Water System to spruce up this already luxurious motorhome. Forest River inc.

Featherlite Vantaré Luxury Coach - Class A Motorcoach

April 7, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The new Featherlite Vantaré Luxury Coach is own sick looking recreational vehicle! Check out the interior pictures of these customized Featherlite Vantaré Luxury Coaches. Featherlite.

Dynamax DynaQuest Touring Cruiser

April 7, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The Dynamax DynaQuest Touring Cruiser, which features a a high performance Mercedes Benz engine and Freightliner truck-style chassis, gives the owner great diesel performance and unique luxury styling. DynaQuest is distinctive because since it is smaller than big Class A's motorhomes it has greater maneuverability and therefore can take you more places. Also DynaQuest's streamlined truck design directs winds up and away from the cab taming wind and achieving a more stable, better-handling drive. DynaMax Corporation.

2006 Damon Tuscany Motorcoach - Class A Motorcoach

April 7, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2006 Damon Tuscany Motorcoach, that comes with a powerful Freightliner chassis powered by a 350-hp Caterpillar® engine, is a sophisticated combination of high-end living features and elegant automotive design. It features the option of Slides: Double, Triple, or Quadruple. Feed yourself in the gorgeous kitchen which features Tuscany’s four-door refrigerator with icemaker made of raised-panel maple or cherry hardwood. The Damon Tuscany Motorcoach is priced at around $194,565 - $205,072. Damon Motor Coach.

2007 Country Coach Affinity 700 Custom Motorcoach

April 7, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2007 Country Coach Affinity 700 Custom Motorcoach has new upgrades from the previous models including, Intellitec multiplex switching, Standard electric vienna shades, Adjustable steering column, New HWH universal flat floor slide hardware, new cafe-style side hinged doors on the driver side, Available 2 additional house batteries, Wi-Fi signal boost, Dirt Devil central vac option, New home theater system featuring, New Yamaha components, pure digital connectivity, Standard 37” HDTV in front overhead, Standard bedroom 32” HDTV, New universal remote, Aqua-Hot hydronic heating system, U-Dinette and J-Dinette option and Standard driver and passenger seats with 3-position memory, 4-way lumbar adjustments plus more. The Country Coach Affinity 700 Custom comes standard with a Caterpillar 12.5L C-13 525HP with 1650 lb./ft torque at 1200 RPM engine but you can upgrade it to a Cummins ISX 600 HP ISX with 1850 lb./ft of torque at 1100 rpm, your choice. Country Coach.

Coachmen Epic - Class A Motorhome

April 7, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The Coachmen Epic Class A Motorhome provides a private
retreat for wherever the destination is. Live in luxury with elegant crown molding, designer valances, and rich hardwood cabinetry. The Epic also puts comfort and luxury into the driver’s seat as both captains chairs have 3-point seat belts integrate into the seat structure provides you safety and comfort. Coachmen also places seat belts at every fixed seating location. In the 7’1” tall cabin you will feel freedom to stretch out and relax. Features five floorplans to properly customate you motorhome experience. Coachmen Industries.

Blue Bird Wanderlodge 459 LXi Coach - Class A Motorhome

April 6, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The Blue Bird Wanderlodge 459 LXi Coach has modern features like designer cabinetry, lavish appointments and the Panasonic 5.1 Dolby digital surround sound DVD/VCR entertainment system, in-motion satellite and GPS system. Feel the rush with the high performance 525hp Caterpillar C13 engine with industry leading ACERT emissions-compliant technology. Other cool stuff includes a spacious, glass enclosed shower, dishwasher, washer and dryer. You have to see the interior of this piece of art! Blue Bird.


2007 Beaver Marquis - Class A Motorhome

April 6, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2007 Beaver Marquis Class A Motorhome is unlike any other RV on the road today! Witness the latest in technology, interiors made with exotic woods with performance that rivals its aesthetics. Glide on the Roadmaster S-Series: Semi Monocoque Chassis and feel power under you feet with the CAT 525 HP C-13 and Allison 4000 MH 6-Speed World Transmission with Electronic Shifter. This bad boy is fully customizable, So go to town! Starts at $523,000. Beaver Motor Home.

New Alpine Coach Apex - Class A Motorhome

April 6, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The new Alpine Coach Apex Class A Motorhome defines state-of-the-art for Motor Coaches in 2006. Features include Peak Chassis and Cummins 8.9 litre, 400 bhp ISL motor, plus standard Hydro-Hot, LCD Flat-Screen HDTV, Kingdome Satellite TV, Keyless Entry plus the patented SmartBed Storage System. The four SmartBeds are each operated by there own electro-hydraulic mechanism, so no more kneeling in the dirt, banging you head or hurting you back when taking car of your luggage. A stunning interior includes hardwood cabinetry, elegant tile flooring and rich and understated fabrics. Alpine.

2006 Winnebago Tour - Class A Motorhome

April 3, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2006 Winnebago Tour Class A Motorhome is the diesel you've been waiting for. With an interior height of over 7'2" you have more headroom and that feeling great feeling of an airy cabin. The 2006 Tour is powered by a 350-hp CAT C7 diesel engine which will provide you with a smooth drive and built on an Evolution Chassis, a Winnebago Industries exclusive. Also comes with a 27" Sony flat face TV and a Sony Home Theater Sound System with DVD/VCR player. Sweet! Starts at $212,387.
Winnebago Industries.

2006 Empress Elite - Triple E Class A Motorhome

April 1, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2006 Triple E Empress Elite Class A Motorhome is the most luxurious motorhome in Triple E’s fleet and provides the best in quality and comfort. Empress Elite has new features such as cabinet doors mitred with rope inlay, a stainless steel finish on refrigerator and micro/convection oven, heated ceramic tile flooring with granite inlay, and a 32" widescreen LCD television. Powered by a Cummins ISL 400 HP Diesel Engine, the Empress Elite moves like a beast! Triple E.

king of the road genesis travel rv - king of the road class a motorhome

March 31, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2006 King Of the Road Genesis travel RV with Cummins ISL 400 hp and 1,200 lb of Torque offers pure luxury, no compromises. Each King of the Road RV is handcrafted making for a much truer-fitting and more solid coach. New features for the 2006 Genesis include sleek bus-style front cap, one-piece windshield, and a restyled cockpit. King of the Road RV.

2006 Newmar Dutch Star - newmar class a motorhome

March 30, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The Newmar Dutch Star Diesel Pusher Motorhome equipped with Cummins ISL 8.3L / 350HP and a Spartan chassis combines the power, performance and personality you want from your motorhome. Make your dreams come true. Wish upon a Dutch Star and take it anywhere. The Dutch Star is truly a motorhome built for adventure. Just follow your heart and enjoy. The Newmar Dutch Star Starts from $184,612. Newmar RV.

2006 Newmar Ventana Northern Star - Newmar Class a Motorhome

March 30, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2006 Newmar Ventana Northern Star Class A Motorhome, equipped with a standard Cummins ISB 300 hp and Freightliner Raised Rail Chassis, is Newmar's newest, most spacious diesel pusher motor home yet. After raising the roof 11 inches you get a much more open, airy living environment with slideouts that you can easily stand up in. The windows are also enlarged and provide more light plus the increased storage, inside and out, lets you pack more for your journey. Check out the new high-end standards and options. Newmar asks: Looking to enlarge your life? See your Newmar dealer for a real "space" adventure aboard the Northern Star. Newmar RV.

2006 Monaco Signature Series- monaco class a motorhome

March 29, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The luxury of the 2006 Monaco Signature Series Class A Motorhome featuring the Cummins ISM 500 and Roadmaster semi-monocoque chassis will simply take your breath away. Residential-style details, including solid wood cabinet doors, crown molding and intricate decorative slide-out fascia decorate the cabin. In the living room and dining area, power Silhouette window shades raise and lower at the touch of a button. Choose between plush fabric or leather furnishings as well as the the designer textured carpeting or optional sculptured carpet design. In the cockpit, you are lured by heated leather seats, with six-way power adjustments, electric headrests and a power footrest on the co-pilot’s seat. Long way to go? You’ll find the entertainment center, featuring a 37" LCD TV including a standard fully automatic digital satellite system Bose® sound system with DVD player and recessed surround sound speakers. You can find this home mobile rv starting for $525,000 at Diesel RV Shopper. Monaco RV.


2006 Newmar Mountain Aire Diesel Pusher - Newmar Class A Motorhome

March 29, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The 2006 Newmar Mountain Aire Diesel Pusher Class A Motorhome combines contemporary with an overall timeless appeal. Its Cummins® ISL 400-HP 8.3L Spartan Mountain Master Chassis and power options make it an unrivaled performer. Luxury features, including this year’s expanded interior, and an optional fireplace which is available in select models will make you feel right at home. Starting from $276,474. Build your custom 2006 Newmar Mountain Aire Diesel Pusher at World Wide RV. Newmar RV.

2006 Newmar Essex Diesel Pusher - Class A Motorhome

March 29, 2006 | Class A Motorhomes


The new 2006 Newmar Essex Diesel Pusher Class A Motorhome/a> which features a 500-HP Spartan K2 Chassis is designed for travelers like you, who rather than get away from the everyday wish to embrace it. It Provides truly spacious living areas with up to four slideouts, finely detailed wood cabinetry and plushly upholstered Villa furniture. All the pampering amenities of a custom-built home. Go with the Essex. It'll be an environment you'll want to get away to. Not from. Starting at $435,739. Gas models are also available. Build your own custom 2006 Newmar Essex Diesel Pusher at World Wide RV. Newmar RV.

Essex-luxury (check out the intro video)